As protectors, the Executive Protection (EP) community is comprised of “Alpha-type” personalities who are well skilled and tend to focus on the “direct action” skillsets of the EP mission, the so-called “hard skills”. But EP is more. It is full-time customer service also. EP agents serve their clients and their family members in a variety of ways, many of which were probably not envisioned while on the shooting range. Driving course or dojo.
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Hostile Surveillance Threats
The average citizen has security concerns and can benefit from an understanding of the concepts of surveillance countermeasures that enhance personal protection. However, the application of surveillance countermeasures without a sound perspective regarding the threat-specific surveillance techniques they are intended to defeat can be counterproductive, and potentially dangerous. For this reason, the practitioner of surveillance countermeasures must think like a surveillance operator in order to anticipate how an operator would act based on specific circumstances.

Stop Procrastinating
Life can have a habit of getting in the way, as we have all seen in the past couple of years but looking inwards at the goals you set out for yourself, is it life that has stopped you from achieving them or is it barriers put up by yourself?
I have always liked to set goals for myself and work towards achieving them. Still, when life comes on top, and with a heavy workload, it is very easy to push things to the right and look to complete these goals later…….the only problem with this is whether the actual task or goal you have set yourself gets completed or gets forgone completely?
I have learned that the more you put things off, the more significant the task pile can become, and you can quite literally make a mountain out of a molehill where in the end, you accomplish nothing.

Cyber Security Fundamentals – Deepfakes and Impersonation
Luckily when you make the pickup, you confirm with them. They’re surprised at the request as they don’t recall calling, and so you don’t make the route change.
Later investigation reveals that the call was made from a spoofed phone, using a real-time generated video and audio stream of the principal mapped to the live movements of some unknown adversary.

Knowing When to Quit
With time no longer on his side he begins to bounce from one team to another, often going from being the star to the second unit, maybe begins playing a different position, begins making errors on routine plays, getting fewer at bats, doesn’t carry the ball as often, not called upon when the score is tight. Many former stars “hang around one season too long.” Everyone but the athlete sees what he doesn’t, namely that it’s time to retire!

Keeping Your Edge – Challenges of International VIP
It is a very natural phenomenon to go abroad making the same assumptions about how people act, and things work that you would find in your domestic environment. But these assumptions can get both you and your client into trouble. Each part of the world presents its own unique set of challenges, and a protector who travels internationally will do well to always keep this fact in the forefront of their mind.
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