The key words to remember when escorting a client on foot are flexibility and adaptability. You must be flexible enough to constantly adapt your formations to the environment you are working in, the threat level, and the manpower available. Whatever formation you are using will only be as good as the people you are using in your team. You must select your team carefully. Vet all potential members of your team before you employ them, even if you have known them for a while. Many people can talk the business, but when they get on operations, they are useless. When time allows, conduct rehearsals of all your team drills so in the event of an emergency, everyone knows what to do and what everyone else is doing.
Tactical Firearms Training – The Basics
Now, to get things straight to start with, what most people, especially Americans, don’t realize is that most non-government close protection jobs are unarmed due to the legal restrictions on firearms in most countries. Part of your threat assessment for any assignment needs to include the laws on the use of force and what if any weapons are legal in the locations you are going to be working in. Being caught with an illegal weapon, especially a firearm will get you thrown in jail very quickly, no matter how important you think you are!
Dealing with What Goes Bump in the Night
Often when one sense is taken away, the other senses become heightened. Allow those senses to work for you as you plan your search or exit. For instance, use your sense of smell to help detect a potential threat or adversary (body odor, cologne or perfume, smoke cigarette or tobacco) or any smells uncommon to your environment. Allow your movements to be slow and methodical unless executing a rapid/dynamic entry or exit maneuver. Be conscious of noise to help you locate a threat or potential adversary.
Why Consider A Career in Executive Protection?
It requires a lot of training and specialized skills. It can be a thankless job when things go well and a firestorm when there is a breach in the protection. And if nothing dangerous is afoot, it can get somewhat boring. It’s physically taxing and mentally grueling. So why do it? Once you get past your misconceptions about the industry and learn what you are really getting into, you’ll find that it is a great career full of incentives.
Weaponising Social Media
The psychology behind the misinformation was mostly covered last time, so we’re going to look more at the mechanics that enable them. We’ll take a look at fake social media accounts, botnets, and automated amplification to exploit social media algorithms.
The Importance of Emotional Control in the Workplace
If you are a service provider, you must always have in mind that people you employ and place with clients are the people who represent your brand. Their mistakes will harm you more than it will harm them. Most companies are losing contracts due to the toxic or unprofessional behaviour of their operatives.
Keeping Your Edge: Listen in Totality
Someone said this quote to me a long time ago and it really resonated. It was one of those things where the more I thought about what it actually meant, the more insight I gained from just those few short words. The quote itself originated from the American poet, Maya Angeolu. And while it’s very unlikely social media was on her mind, or even a thing, when she drafted it, I think it’s very fitting on how it plays into society today.
Is Your Brain Working Against You?
Our brain is constantly processing information. From making our coffee in the morning to dreaming while we sleep, our neurons are always working to figure out what to do with the information they’re receiving. Every scenario is carefully calculated within our brains which then tells us how to respond to certain stimuli. In the field of Close Protection, it’s crucial that we train our brains to respond to stimuli in a quick and calculated way so that we are able to execute our responsibilities and keep people safe.
Behind the Veil
Behind any large delivery service are logistics personnel, without these individuals nothing would move and production would grind to a halt. Likewise, backing any police force, there are a group of emergency dispatchers that help send, coordinate, and give real time information to responding officers. With airline pilots, there are a team of air traffic controllers that convey critical information to the pilot for a safe flight. And in the same vein, behind Executive Protection Specialist, there may exist a caring spouse, or partner.
Staying Grey
The truth is there aren’t many conventional radios that are commercially available, that are easy to conceal whilst still giving you the coverage and functionality you need to do the job. And with all conventional two-way radio, you still face the challenges of coverage and range, not to mention licensing and the issues of using the devices outside of UK jurisdiction.
Social Media Engineering
Take just one example the conspiracy theories around 5G were quickly re-tailored to incorporate Bill Gates and George Soros as targets, and were effective enough that there were arson attacks against 5G infrastructure. In other words, a few memes and videos, along with the use of these techniques (whether deliberate, or accidental, but there is strong evidence of deliberate action) were enough to cause homegrown domestic terrorism attacks on UK soil.
Selecting Firearms for Close Protection Details
I recently had some gun store commando in Europe trying to push the benefits of the 12 gauge Saiga shotguns on me over say a regular AK-47… Something to do with the kinetic energy of a 12 gauge slug at 100 meters… Saiga shotguns are very nice guns but I take it they were all this guy had used or could sell due to the restrictions on semi-auto rifles in his country. Some unwitting buyer could easily take this gun shop owner and firearms experts advice and end up buying firearms for use in hostile environments that were not suitable, overpriced and the ability of being able to buy effective ammunition, spare magazines and parts locally would be extremely difficult if not impossible.
Preparedness & Perseverance
. To prepare is to, make (something) ready for use or consideration, to persevere, is to continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success. Among the many skill sets we must attain, practice, and master over time, preparedness and perseverance are two less talked about traits of a solid EP practitioner. There are many reasons why the focus on these skills are over shadowed by wrist locks, positioning, being the body man, fancy martial arts, and firearms. What’s a significant reason you ask? Well, in my opinion it’s because there is no immediate gratification, or “look at me” moment(s). There are plenty of instances where all of the before mentioned skills are useful, however, how and when they can be used start with being prepared.
Baselines of Behavior
The four major behaviors are dominant, submissive, comfortable and uncomfortable. These are the most prevalent and easiest to categorize most nonverbal communication into. Identifying the behaviors is not our main goal. Creating a baseline of the behaviors is first, then looking for clusters of anomalies is the goal. Seeing anomalies for what they are, changes within the individual’s emotional state around a specific topic.
COVID-19 and the Executive Protection
As practitioners, our responsibilities are many: protection of the client from physical harm, protection of the client from self-embarrassment, etc. Now, that the restrictions in the post COVID-19 era are starting to be lifted in some areas, Clients, and other high-net-worth individuals will be more aware of the area in which they are located, lodging, and traveling to.
Leveraging Technology in Industry Hiring
Increased global connectedness through technology is fast becoming the norm these days. Video conferencing and “face to face” meetings are happening daily in real-time across the world. As an industry that prides itself on having the edge over our adversaries, we are falling below our own standards when it comes to utilizing the technological resources at our availability to their fullest potential.
The Shotgun
I would say the firearm I have encountered the most in the security business internationally is the shotgun. I would say the firearm I have encountered the most in the security business internationally is the shotgun. I have heard many supposed experts within the close protection industry dismiss shotguns as be “cowboy” and “overkill” and […]
Kidnap & Ransom – Part two
In the previous issue we walked through what happens in the first hours after a kidnapping, we considered the critical factors relating to the initial contact, and we took a close look at the role of the communicator (see Issue 49). Now, we’re going to move on and look at the financial implications of ransom demands and what factors might impact it.
No Cutting: Get To The Back Of The Line
Having traveled to over 30 countries, building executive protection and estate teams, embarking on 10 major worldwide tours and transitioning from field agent to Director of Security. Despite my successes, I’ve still felt like a student at best, but now finally considering myself a Specialist. Naively, many young protectors are eager to consider themselves “specialists” without undergoing the proper mentorship and gaining the practical experience needed to hold this title.