In most other places outside the U.S. where firearm ownership and defensive carry is available for private citizens and security personnel, the price of guns and ammunition can be very costly, and the application processes to own and carry guns can be a bureaucratic nightmare.
In many places, it’s mandatory to belong to a gun club or shooting association who are the ones that have control of the shooting ranges. Personally, I have little time for clubs and associations as they tend to be very cliquey and attract people trying to compensate for a lack in other areas.
Journalist Safety Practice in Hostile Environments
I knew two of the course attendees quite well, even though we hadn’t met in person until that point. The Weinert Brothers—Dennis and Patrick Weinert—are German independent filmmakers, photographers, and authors based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Doing my research months in advance of the course, I’d perused their work, watched their films and documentaries, and read their books and articles. As they would discover, research and planning would be something the brothers would be introduced to quite quickly. It was, in essence, the missing link that neither one of them had spotted but was the very thing they were searching for without really knowing it.
Dealing with What Goes Bump in the Night
Often when one sense is taken away, the other senses become heightened. Allow those senses to work for you as you plan your search or exit. For instance, use your sense of smell to help detect a potential threat or adversary (body odor, cologne or perfume, smoke cigarette or tobacco) or any smells uncommon to your environment. Allow your movements to be slow and methodical unless executing a rapid/dynamic entry or exit maneuver. Be conscious of noise to help you locate a threat or potential adversary.
Trunk Guns
One of the biggest ongoing phenomena is the firearms space is the concept of a trunk gun. Whether it is a handgun, shotgun, or a rifle, firearms are simply tools. When it comes to any tool, you first must ask what is your objective?
Let’s begin by considering the history or evolution of this phenomenon. The precursor to trunk guns were probably truck guns.
Staying Grey
The truth is there aren’t many conventional radios that are commercially available, that are easy to conceal whilst still giving you the coverage and functionality you need to do the job. And with all conventional two-way radio, you still face the challenges of coverage and range, not to mention licensing and the issues of using the devices outside of UK jurisdiction.
Selecting Firearms for Close Protection Details
I recently had some gun store commando in Europe trying to push the benefits of the 12 gauge Saiga shotguns on me over say a regular AK-47… Something to do with the kinetic energy of a 12 gauge slug at 100 meters… Saiga shotguns are very nice guns but I take it they were all this guy had used or could sell due to the restrictions on semi-auto rifles in his country. Some unwitting buyer could easily take this gun shop owner and firearms experts advice and end up buying firearms for use in hostile environments that were not suitable, overpriced and the ability of being able to buy effective ammunition, spare magazines and parts locally would be extremely difficult if not impossible.
The Shotgun
I would say the firearm I have encountered the most in the security business internationally is the shotgun. I would say the firearm I have encountered the most in the security business internationally is the shotgun. I have heard many supposed experts within the close protection industry dismiss shotguns as be “cowboy” and “overkill” and […]
Dissecting the Gun Debate
One of the biggest reasons that gun discussions often don’t gain traction is the two sides are often comparing apples and rocks. Those who are for gun control are often discussing death and emotion, while those who are pro-gun may speak of technical aspects (semi-automatic vs. automatic) and entitlement (the 2nd Amendment).
Never in the History of our country has it been more important to be aware of safety and security in a House of Worship. With our safe places under attack, and churches, temples and Mosques under attack, it is time for men and women to step up and do what is necessary to help make their House of Worship a harder target! Here are five simple things you can do to bring more safety and peace of mind to your House of Worship.
Training for When Time is Life
The 21-foot rule has long been an established firearm training standard. Simply put, it means an average man can close 21feet in 1.5 seconds, as we look at the below data of attacks on law enforcement officers the previous standard far from reflects the reality of the dynamic encounters in both distance and timing in enhancing your ability to prevail in a violent close quarter firearm encounter.
Staffing an International Team
When it comes to staffing an international team, I have five major considerations I look for in the team’s composition: Operational Capability, Operational Chemistry, Operational Relevance, Operational Flexibility and Operational Capacity.
Gap Training, What Most Practitioners Overlook
With 30 years of experience as a sailor, soldier, police officer/EMT, and security provider and trainer I have come up with some pretty clear ideas about what medical first response is for the average security provider. This is not meant to deter anyone from obtaining their EMT or Paramedic certifications or from persons with higher levels of training from providing that service.
Vehicles Used As Weapons
Religious extremist whether Al Qaeda or ISIS have long called for the use of Vehicles as Weapons even going back to 2010, when we saw an article in Inspire Magazine titled, “The Ultimate Mowing Machine.”
My professional experience with firearms started when I was 17 years old, and I joined an Infantry Regiment in the British Army. After leaving the British Army five years later, I worked in an armed capacity in numerous countries while providing security services.
Tactical Firearms: The Basics
What most people don’t realize is that most civilian, non-government close protection jobs are unarmed due to the legal restrictions on firearms in most countries. Part of your threat assessment for any assignment needs to take into account laws on the use of force and weapons in the locations you are going to be working in. Being caught with an illegal weapon, especially a firearm, will get you thrown in jail very quickly, no matter how important you think you are!
Clients Should You Trust them?
There needs to be a healthy relationship with your clients, you don’t want to let them dominate you, and you don’t want to try to dominate and control them.
Boundaries must always be made clear as this works to protect you and your client’s interests. Clients are not your friends, they are clients paying you to provide them with a service, and if boundaries are ignored, it can undermine any respect in the business relationship.
7 Handgun Accessories For Concealed Carrying
There are many accessories for concealed carrying available for you to choose from. You may need to try several to know which one will make you feel comfortable before making your final choice. This article will reveal the 7 most popular options to consider.
Ammunition – Why the JHP? Part 2
Bullets are bullets and ammunition is just ammunition, right? The reality is, that statement couldn’t be further from the truth. As outlined in my last article, bullets (or projectiles) come in many different forms and these forms have their intended purpose. In this installment, I want to dive deeper into the application of the Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP). The reason this projectile is going to get its own article is due to the importance of it and how it applies to self-defense and in the industry of close protection.
Foot Steps Episode 5: Mike Smith
Describe your professional journey?
I played on the Georgia State Patrols basketball league then joined the reserve sheriffs, I then did freelance security with 2 Georgia state troopers that started a company. I took a hiatus and actually became a barber while still doing security work on the side. While cutting hair I ran into someone who gave me a window of opportunity which led me to land a 6 figure contract. My company SS consulting specialized in threat assessments and advances but I didn’t just limit myself to that. I would land other contracts doing different types of security. The reality is, it’s who you know vs what you know.
Tactical Firearms – Methods of Carry!
If you are carrying a handgun for defensive purposes, you need to be able to get to it when you need it.
On the market today, there is a wide variety of holsters to choose from that vary in price from a few bucks to a few hundred; some are worth it, many are not. What most people forget when considering carry techniques for a handgun or any weapons for that matter is that they are going to have to be able to access the weapon in all environments with both strong and weak hands.