Our Global Risk partners, Drum Cussac, provide in-depth analysis of global risks, here is your summary of the last 30 days. Including: Three Explosions Reported in Mogadishu, Multiple Fatalities Reported as Measles Outbreak Continues to Spread Nationwide, Dozens Arrested in Suspected Terrorism Financing Ring, Fatalities Reported following Explosions in Jolo, Sulu Province
Introduction to Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is often seen as a niche area which requires a lot of specialist knowledge to apply. This is partly true – in order to configure a web application firewall someone needs to understand how to work with the technology at a very low level. What is often missed, as the technologists take over, is that cyber is still security and the same fundamental principles apply to designing and building effective protections.
Airbourne IEDS
Shiite extremists remaining in Baghdad have added a relatively new weapon to their arsenal in the fight against U.S. forces, one with more destructive power than most of the usual improvised explosive devices planted along city thoroughfares – the improvised rocket-assisted mortar.
Global Incident Report – May 2019
Our Global Risk partners, Drum Cussac, provide in-depth analysis of global risks, here is your summary of the last 30 days. Including: 40 dead in armed attack in Mali, 13 killed in Hostage situation in Mexico, Multiple Islamic State Militants killed in Iraq and explosion on a bus in Sweden.
Protective Surveillance
With each client, the situation and threat level will vary, as will their requirements and appetite. When it comes to security there are a myriad of options available, often (and hopefully) with multiple, complementary components working together in harmony. One weapon in the personal protection armory is Protective Surveillance. This article attempts to provide a comprehensive overview of a service that has multiple benefits, quite a few limitations and several misrepresentations.
Zero Days, How Do You Stop a Threat You Can’t See Coming?
This past March, WikiLeaks dumped 8,761 CIA documents collectively known as “Vault 7.” These documents contained information about what was essentially the government agency’s armory of cyber threats.
They included malware, viruses and Trojans used for espionage purposes. More importantly, they had information about zero day vulnerabilities the CIA had been using to hack computers, tablets, smartphones and other devices for intelligence gathering purposes.
The DEEP End
the Deep End, the (Dynamic Evolution Of Executive Protection) can you swim? Since the beginning of time, everything from man to nature has or is evolving; the protection theater is no different.
Ignore Terrorism… And we loose…
We are not immune to attack and we owe it to our clients to be well versed on terrorism, and international conflicts, which could have domestic consequences. Ignore what’s going on overseas, and ignore terrorism and we face losing at home.
Man, That Burns!
A brief look at MACE Pepper Gel for Protection Specialists. Pepper Gel is a great option for confrontations that may not warrant a lethal force response.
How Criminals Operate
You need to be aware of how criminals and terrorists operate and what they look for in their victims; if you know this, you can hopefully avoid becoming a victim yourself.
Cyber-Security Offshore
Over the past few years we have seen many incidents of cyber-attacks in the maritime and offshore oil and gas sectors including the tilting of oil rigs, malware riddled platforms and even port facilities industrial controls systems being hacked. Despite these incidents there seems to be a distinct lack of awareness throughout organisations.