Review: Medipro PHMT
Course Review: Medipro Training Ltd. PHMT ( Pre-Hospital-Medical-technician ) Having previously completed FPOS (I) MIRA and Remote Team Medic Courses I was looking for a training course which had both industry recognition and would take my knowledge and skills to the next level both academically and practically whilst also fitting into my rotation […]
The Untrained Negotiator
The Untrained Negotiator This article will focus upon guidance for the initial responder receiving a call in the middle of the night informing them that their Principal, employee, employer or loved one has been taken hostage. The actions taken by this person – the Untrained Negotiator often proves key to the successful outcome […]
Hostile Surveillance Detection
Hostile surveillance detection is one of the few security techniques that preempts danger. As the name suggests it is the art of identifying an individual or group that is attempting to obtain intelligence by placing your client under surveillance. Its main advantage as a security tool is that it is proactive rather than reactive.
Driving in Hostile Areas
Over a 24-year career, I have seen little need for evasive driver training, however, I have seen a great need for people to learn how to handle vehicles at high speed and in hazardous weather conditions. The main thing you need to practice is how to drive safely, identify any possible threats and avoid them.
Which Training Provider?
One of the questions I am always asked from people entering the Close Protection sector is which Close Protection Training Provider should I use? There are many out there, some are good, some are bad but how can you tell before you part with your hard earned cash and what are the questions that you […]
Review: Medipro PHMT
COURSE REVIEW: Medipro Training: PHMT (Pre-Hospital-Medical-technician) Having previously completed FPOS (I) MIRA and Remote Team Medic Courses I was looking for a training course which had both industry recognition and would take my knowledge and skills to the next level both academically and practically whilst also fitting into my rotation of 6 weeks on 6 […]
Workplace Diversity
Workplace Diversity – Embracing our Differences Everybody’s journey in working life is varied and we each develop a unique skill set. The challenge is to apply these skills to our workplace or role in the most effective way. Often people think that their skill set limits their potential at work but I would argue […]
Issue 22
Issue 22 [add_to_cart item=”eIssue 22″ showprice=”no” text=”Buy Now” ] [one_half] Contents: Afghan Transition Surveillance Detection Workplace Diversity Medical: Head Injury Driving in Hostile Areas Which Training provider The Knockout Smoke & Mirrors Security Leadership To Plan or Not The Front Line + Much more! [/one_half] [one_half_last] [/one_half_last] What’s Inside? Afghanistan is the […]