People go to church for all kinds of reasons but almost no one goes to find trouble. The ones that do go for that purpose are the reason your church has a security team or ministry. Unfortunately, over the last twenty years “Trouble” has been finding its way into church for the simple reason that for the most part, we welcome it. Church is still the place that welcomes anyone in any condition to come to find help.
Does Fitness Matter Anymore?
Are we as protectors, just giving lip service to the physical nature of the craft? Yes, this is a thinking man’s game and the best muscle to work out is the mind, however, are we really preparing for that “Moment of Truth,” the one we hope never happens on our watch, but that we nonetheless have to plan for?
Surviving university as a mature student
Going to (or going back to) university seems to be becoming increasingly popular and I have lost count of the number of conversations I’ve had about the pros and cons of such a venture.
One of the major concerns / barriers to people embarking on a university course seems to be an anxiety about being a mature student. Whilst perhaps understandable, I hope in this article to reassure you that your experience of university can be just as valuable and exciting as a mature student as someone going straight from school.
A Medics Experience
Over the years, with the added involvement of oil and gas companies, alongside government contracts, the role of the medic has evolved from working as a ‘team medic’ into a ‘Tier 2’ medic who carries a comprehensive medical kit & medications, and is able to function as a lone medic often in remote locations. These changes have caused multiple shifts in the industry standard and requirements to become a Tier 2 Medic. This should be a good thing but it also comes with pitfalls.
Zero Days, How Do You Stop a Threat You Can’t See Coming?
This past March, WikiLeaks dumped 8,761 CIA documents collectively known as “Vault 7.” These documents contained information about what was essentially the government agency’s armory of cyber threats.
They included malware, viruses and Trojans used for espionage purposes. More importantly, they had information about zero day vulnerabilities the CIA had been using to hack computers, tablets, smartphones and other devices for intelligence gathering purposes.
The perils of looking after other people
Close protection operative has similar motivating forces to the psychotherapist. We are all in the helping professions, making people feel safer and calmer at difficult times in their lives. It’s a satisfying job that usually makes us feel good about ourselves and our abilities to help.
Keeping Your Edge, Politics as Un-usual
I’ve always tried to make sure I ask and answer that question before I write about personal experiences in public settings. In light of that, I must admit I thought about this one a bit longer than most, but felt it was worthy to share because one of the purposes of The Circuit Magazine is to inform and educate while offering unique perspectives within the Close Protection community.
The art of being an independent learner
So, what is independent learning? The Higher Education Academy 1 describe independent learning as “a process, a method and a philosophy of education in which a student acquires knowledge by his or her own efforts”.
Enhancing Your Safety and Survival at the Airport
When it comes to surviving sudden violence whether as the result of an active shooter or other civilian mass casualty incident, I always tell people it is more important to not get shot than it is to shoot, shooting is extra credit.
Church Security the New Frontier
Because church is an institution that welcomes all comers with arms wide open, it has not only attracted those who want to bring their problems to the altar but those who want to cause a problem at the altar. In this article I would like to look at some safety related areas that will help change your mind set about church security and start you on the road to making your church a safer place.
Be Streetwise and Think Like a Criminal
To me tactical shooting is not a sport. It’s about staying alive and killing your opponent as quickly as possible. If you are in a situation where someone is trying to kill you, your family or your team members you must kill them first. Unfortunately, its as simple as that sometimes. Political correctness does not enter into it. We are talking about your life and death not banning super size sodas or gay marriage. For most people the thought of killing someone and the legal ramifications are a nightmare, but you’re better off dealing with the aftermath than being dead.
Task, Threat and Environment
Task, Threat and Environment, The Mindset of Protective Services Professional. This is a mindset that goes beyond situational awareness, knowledge, or even foresight but rather a collection of them all into a cycle which must be constantly in rotation. The items listed are the most paramount on the task list of a security professional engaged in protective services.
First aid for a psychological injury
If you work in an environment where people are likely to get physically injured, then it stands to reason you would want people available with the skills to help.
Trouble Ahead
Iraq has a rich and fascinating mix of tribal and religious groups but the divides are large and often deadly. Through necessity the old divides have been placed to one side as Shia, Sunni and Kurdish forces supported by the West and Turkey work militarily alongside each other to clear Iraq of a common enemy, the Islamic State (IS).
Muscle Recovery: Essential to Your Next Workout
To avoid rehab, athletes need to be thinking about pre-hab. Get ahead of an injury before it happens. Muscle recovery should be part of every training plan.
So, You Want To Be A Celebrity Protection Agent?
“Elijah, I’m glad you choose me for the assignment, just so you know I have to be home on the 15th as my son has his little league try-outs.” I’ll have to be honest and say, if the assignment extends past the 15th, I’m likely going to use someone else from the outset. Why? Because VIP clients appreciate familiarity but the rotation of celebrity protection agents does not project stability, instead, it implies just the opposite.
Security Systems For Businesses
Whatever the size of the business, whether it is small or large, retail or commercial, it is guaranteed to have a range of valuable assets like computer systems, data and other expensive items that are at risk of theft.
The DEEP End
the Deep End, the (Dynamic Evolution Of Executive Protection) can you swim? Since the beginning of time, everything from man to nature has or is evolving; the protection theater is no different.
Mobile Security
The majority of attacks on mobile devices focused on human exploitation, as found in the Proofpoint Human Factor Report.
Guide to Contracting & Subcontracting Security Services
A Guide to Contracting & Subcontracting Security Services. Market yourself appropriately and professionally, create a large network, do a good job whenever you are given the opportunity and follow up.