The biggest issue most new Team Leaders face is knowing when to delegate. Consequently, they try to take on too much which minimizes their effectiveness in the role. Therefore, it is essential you learn when, how and who to delegate.
Tragedy on Your Team and What Happens Afterwards?
I tend to believe that people in this business believe that the test of leadership comes during the attack on principle (AOP). While there is no denying that leadership is necessary in those key moments of an attack or any other catastrophic event. But as I stated at the Summit, the hardest part of this job is, ‘the after.’
Somalia, a lawless country located on the east coast of Africa, should be no stranger to anyone in the security industry. The hub of maritime piracy, an area that that has been at civil war for over thirty years and a country that many western governments have tried to tame, all to no avail.
Issue 23
Issue 23 – April 2014 [add_to_cart item=”eIssue 23″ showprice=”no” text=”Buy Now” ] [one_third] Contents: Insight into Somalia Surveillance Detection Tragedy on your Team Burns Management Super Ninjas How to Spot Surveillance Countering Surveillance FocusOn: Somalia The New ABnormal Performance Reviews Contractors Workout Become More Employable Personal TSCM Kit Leadership & Delegation + Much […]
Surveillance Detection for Individuals
Individuals face a variety of threats in today’s global environment. By developing and applying a Surveillance Detection (SD) plan to the targets daily protection operations you can significantly reduce the likelihood of an attack on your target. Before surveillance detection (SD) can be used to prevent or deter an attack, you must […]
How to Become More Employable
How to become more employable by specialising in pre hospital care Many close protection operators (CPO’s) are now identifying the value of becoming specialised in other aspects that surround the role. One of these specialist areas is Pre Hospital Care (PHC), and with this in mind I would like to share my thoughts and […]