Got a contract working overseas and don’t know where to start with obtaining and maintaining Non-Residency and SED (Seafarers Earning Deductions)?
Essay Writing
I’m not quite sure why “essays” are scarier than “assignments” or “assessments” but for some reason, the mere mention of this word leads to sweaty palms, tears in the eyes, and furious twitching.
Judgement Index
The Judgement Index is a value-based analysis of judgement capacity, behaviour and stability; it is very abstract in its methodology yet highly accurate.
How Criminals Operate
You need to be aware of how criminals and terrorists operate and what they look for in their victims; if you know this, you can hopefully avoid becoming a victim yourself.
Managing Spinal Injury
Spinal trauma and spinal cord injury can have a life-changing impact for patients following trauma. One cannot reverse prior spinal cord damage, but with even limited training, one can prevent further damage from occurring, which can often be of great benefit for the patient.
EP For Green… When Will Our World’s Collide?
In 1920 the 18th amendment was passed marking the start of prohibition and the rise of protection teams. Will we see a repeat of that trend with protection for marijuana?
Issue 25
Issue 25 – October 2014 [one_third] Contents: Effective Networking Analytics to Identify Risk Mental Body Armour EP for Green Managing Spinal Injury Why Him and Not Me Countering Surveillance How Criminals Operate Review: KEL-TEC KSG Judgement Index Essay Writing Tools of Thinking Maintaining Non Residency + Much More [/one_third] [one_third] [/one_third] [one_third_last] […]
Obtaining & Maintaining Non Residency and SED
Obtaining & Maintaining Non Residency and SED (Seafarers Earning Deductions) New to the industry, got a contract working overseas and don’t know where to start? NON RESIDENCY You may have decided that a land-based career overseas is the one for you. There are many companies who are hiring sub-contractors to work for them […]
Mental Body Armour – Have you got your Kit on?
You wouldn’t dream of going on a job without appropriate physical protection and risk assessment – but how well do you protect yourself mentally?
Being mentally strong is the same as being physically strong – we have to work at it. We build physical strength in the gym and take pride in a healthy body. Some days you are on top form in the gym and others are harder. But would you recognise the equivalent happening in your brain?
TOOLS OF THINKING [Excerpts from an upcoming copyrighted book] Everyone Thinks! Or Thinks They can Think! But are they using all their tools? PROBABLY NOT!! Why Do We Think? To Gain Knowledge To Be Creative To Make Decisions To Understand Consequences of Decisions To Understand Others Security planning and execution requires a great […]