Avoid the most common mistakes, follow the golden rules and perfect the softer skills of Close Protection
Two Different Worlds
Two Different Worlds Through my experience in the Executive Protection industry, I have tried many times to understand what our Principals are thinking and what goes on in their heads. Their minds tick in a very strange way and the truth is, no matter how hard we try we will never be able to understand […]
Working with a VIP doesn’t make you one
Sometimes, close protection agents have a tendency to define themselves based on the status of their Principal. However, it’s worth remembering that working with a VIP doesn’t make you one!
Interview: Tom Taylor author of “Armored Men”
Circuit Interview with Tom Taylor author of “Armored Men” By Derrick “Bear” Collins [one_third] [/one_third] [two_third_last]The Circuit magazine takes a moment to speak with noted author Tom Taylor regarding his newest book “Armored Men”. Having worked on other titles such as the novel “Mortal Shield” and the excellent work “Just 2 Seconds” (with Gavin de Becker), […]
Security Management
This competitive advantage is no longer driven by the traditional guard, a new breed is coming to power, a breed of security and resiliency specialists with generalist commercial skills backed up by credible experience and training.
Pro Athletes & Pro Security – The Disconnect
Pro Athletes & Pros Security – The Disconnect By Michael Brown, In the United States, sports are a way of life with many athletes reaching a level of celebrity status as early as high school, many to the equivalent of famous actors or musicians. In the US, football (the one you throw, not the one […]
Mystery Shopper – Circuit Q&A
Mystery Shopper – Circuit Q&A Nick McCarthy interviews Linda Eastwood. Linda, we became ‘friends’ recently via an online networking portal, exchanged a few messages and then met up at a networking meeting. I was very impressed by your story and your success and thought that Circuit Magazine readers would enjoy your story and the somewhat […]
Working Girl: Female Bodyguards
I’ve been traveling around the UK on a CP job for the past few months but was also lucky enough to be part of the security for the royal wedding, it’s not often I say I was glad I did a job but it was nice to see lots of flag-waving royalists out on the […]
Rough Injustice
My name is Philip Young and I am a South African citizen incarcerated in Afghanistan. My incarceration is the result of an incident that took place in Helmand Province on the 1st of October 2009. The incident involved the fatal shooting, by me, of an Afghan citizen. The shooting came about when the […]
Surviving an Active Shooter
Surviving an Active Shooter Active shooter situations are often over within 10 to 15 minutes, before law enforcement arrives on the scene, individuals must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an active shooter situation. An active Shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill […]
Bodyguard Diary
Just under a year ago I graduated from a recognized executive protection training course. After doing some pretty consistent work for the sponsor company, I was then presented with an opportunity to join a team escorting a very prominent VIP. I was absolutely floored. While not my first detail, this was the first with a […]
Mexico Risk Factors
What was I doing hanging outside a Mexican prison riot waiting for it to kick-off in the blaring sun surrounded by heavily armed, ill-tempered Policeman and armed only with some sunscreen and a smile?
Working Girl
Working Girl Sitting on a beach in 90 degree heat under an umbrella whilst you watch your principal roasting in the sun is not all about keeping the would be assassin away from them.