Do you know what you are? An independent contractor, part-time employee, sole proprietorship, etc. Do you know what your insurance requirements are?
Issue 27
Issue 27 – February 2015 [one_third] Contents: The World of VIP Protection The Terrorist Next Door Your Role in Hostile Termination Working Armed Abroad Medical: Hypothermia Who’s Watching Your Back? Personal Protection in the US Revision & Exam Tips Review: Cougar Team Radio Armchair Quarterback The (BS) Numbers Game Do You Know What You Are? […]
You are on a ski trip with a VIP, a 45 year old male, when he falls and breaks his leg. He is unable to walk, let alone ski. He is diabetic and not particularly fit. You have been skiing in the backcountry all day and are tired and hungry. The weather is poor […]
Your Role in Hostile Terminations
At some point in our careers, those of us working in a protective capacity will likely receive a call to provide support for an individual or business during a “Hostile Termination”. For many, the immediate thought after receiving a Hostile Termination call is to think of how to best escort the potentially violent individual […]
International Bodyguards and Working Armed
When considering traveling with weapons you need to ask yourself some simple questions to first ascertain the viability of working armed in a given country. If you are traveling internationally the chances are you will not be able to take firearms with you due to the laws in the country you are visiting, which you need to check before traveling. This can be a long and difficult process and will also put yourself and your project on the radar of the country you’re visiting before you even get there.