We cast our eye over the main stories impacting the security industry. Here’s what’s appeared on the radar since the last issue.
Vehicle Dynamics Institute COURSE REVIEW
Experience first hand the training offered in a variety of subjects: Protective/Evasive Driving, Surveillance Detection Tactics & Techniques, and Best Practices for the Solo Practitioner. I chose to attend their Protective/Evasive Driving course. Vehicle Dynamics Institute COURSE REVIEW
Celebrity Protection Vs. Executive Protection
A stable career in Corporate Executive Protection, more often than not with standard hours, reasonable expectations and a healthy benefits package, or the wild and unpredictable world of Celebrity Protection with its Long hours, temperamental clients, and a job description that includes pretty much everything but the kitchen sink.
Covert Protective Details – The Invisible Shield
Many clients feel uncomfortable with highly visible or “overt” protective details. Some may even ask you to be so invisible that they don’t know you are there. But what are covert protective details? As you’ll discover, it’s not a case of ‘one size fits all’!
Training, A Dying Art Or A Lying Art?
As a Protection Specialist, are you training to develop your skills or are you lying to yourself and your clients about your readiness? Poor security and protection fools no one but the person providing it. Commit to training and making an investment in your future.
Leaders – A peek behind the curtain of the Close Protection Industry.
What is the state of our industry? Where are we headed? What are the emerging trends? Take a peek behind the curtain of the Close Protection Industry.
Show Time
While no security measures are 100%, these are good guiding principles to minimize the potential for an unwelcome encounter with your celebrity principal during their show.
One Agents Opinion, Bodyguard Or Executive Protection Specialist?
When someone asks, “what do you do for a living”? Do you say, I’m a “Bodyguard” or you’re an Executive Protection Specialist? What’s in a name?
The Problem with Selfies
We have all heard the old saying, “Pictures are worth a thousand words,” so who wants an autograph, when a photo with your favorite celebrity conveys much more perceived authenticity? This also has value in the arena of SOCIAL capital.
Readiness and Commitment
There is no better feeling than to get ‘the call’ and you be able to say, “I’m prepared to move when you are”. You’re not “ready” because you took an Executive Protection course, or because you did a detail last week, you’re “ready” because you’re constantly prepared and stay that way and able to provide services at any moment. Follow these tips to help you remain alert and ready at all times.
Search Tactics for Out of Work Security Professionals
Searching for employment in the security industry is not to be taken lightly and it should all be planned like a military operation. You need to start as you mean to go. When searching you should act the same way as you would when you are on an operational assignment. These search tactics for out of work security professionals will offer guidance and help you find success in your search for employment.
Working with a VIP doesn’t make you one
Sometimes, close protection agents have a tendency to define themselves based on the status of their Principal. However, it’s worth remembering that working with a VIP doesn’t make you one!
Working Girl: Female Bodyguards
I’ve been traveling around the UK on a CP job for the past few months but was also lucky enough to be part of the security for the royal wedding, it’s not often I say I was glad I did a job but it was nice to see lots of flag-waving royalists out on the […]