When the Data Protection Act 1998 was implemented nearly two decades ago, fewer than 10% of UK households had internet access. The technological world has moved on at an exponential pace since then, and a new law was required to reflect and address the current and foreseeable trends in technology and the use and misuse of personal data by organisations. Massive data breaches seem to be in the news every day now – and it was clear that the security of personal data was not being given a high enough priority.
Security in New Zealand
Your high profile principle has decided to come to NZ. The first thing that will hit the close protection officer is the Maori culture. A member of the local Iwi (tribe) will be responsible for explaining to your client the local customs, but the close protection officer will still see threats.
Field Report
How many times had I asked myself the question ‘what the bloody hell am I doing here?’ God only knows. I will admit though, these days I don’t need to ask that question as much and in the same context as I used to. Going from operations to administration and then onto training over a 12 year period means that I have somewhat of a luxury ride now. Monday to Friday hours, holidays with the kids and only occasional weekend interruptions when courses are on or we are undertaking professional development with our trainers / clients etc. My venture into the world of close personal protection has been an eventful one; nothing spectacular or heroic, but a learning curve nonetheless
Key Points to Being a Good Bodyguard
For long-term assignments, it is very important to build up a rapport with your client / VIP and anyone else associated with the operation. Effective and good communications will not only assist you with having an easier and less stressful assignment but also keeps you up-to-date on the client’s day to day activities
Industry News At A Glance – July 2019
We cast our eye over the main stories impacting the security industry. Here’s what’s appeared on the radar since the last issue.
Introduction to Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is often seen as a niche area which requires a lot of specialist knowledge to apply. This is partly true – in order to configure a web application firewall someone needs to understand how to work with the technology at a very low level. What is often missed, as the technologists take over, is that cyber is still security and the same fundamental principles apply to designing and building effective protections.
Risk Management Tips for Every Household
Home safety should be top priority for any homeowner. Everyone wants and should feel safe in their own home so it is important to take necessary measures of securing it.
Church Security the New Frontier Part 2
More now than ever, church security is an issue that must be addressed in our modern society. Most recently in Nashville, Tennessee, seven people were shot, including one killed by a person who simply walked in the church, down the center isle, shooting.
Industry News At A Glance
We cast our eye over the main stories impacting the security industry. Here’s what’s appeared on the radar since the last issue.
Protective Surveillance
With each client, the situation and threat level will vary, as will their requirements and appetite. When it comes to security there are a myriad of options available, often (and hopefully) with multiple, complementary components working together in harmony. One weapon in the personal protection armory is Protective Surveillance. This article attempts to provide a comprehensive overview of a service that has multiple benefits, quite a few limitations and several misrepresentations.
Countering snipers Part 1
One thing I find amusing and annoying is that whenever there is a terrorist attack with an attacker using a long gun the media tends to immediately label the shooter as a sniper. There is a very big difference between a trained sniper and some idiot with a rifle and just because someone served in the military to some extent it does not make them a sniper. But, with modern weapons and a little knowledge the wannabe jihadist or anarchist are still a serious threat.
How Surveillance Can Help Prevent Acid Attacks
The recent surge in acid attacks in London and surrounding areas has filled the headlines in recent weeks and months, understandably causing a great deal of concern for the general public and those responsible for their safety.
Church Security – The Five R’s of Venue Protection
People go to church for all kinds of reasons but almost no one goes to find trouble. The ones that do go for that purpose are the reason your church has a security team or ministry. Unfortunately, over the last twenty years “Trouble” has been finding its way into church for the simple reason that for the most part, we welcome it. Church is still the place that welcomes anyone in any condition to come to find help.
Enhancing Your Safety and Survival at the Airport
When it comes to surviving sudden violence whether as the result of an active shooter or other civilian mass casualty incident, I always tell people it is more important to not get shot than it is to shoot, shooting is extra credit.
Church Security the New Frontier
Because church is an institution that welcomes all comers with arms wide open, it has not only attracted those who want to bring their problems to the altar but those who want to cause a problem at the altar. In this article I would like to look at some safety related areas that will help change your mind set about church security and start you on the road to making your church a safer place.
Be Streetwise and Think Like a Criminal
To me tactical shooting is not a sport. It’s about staying alive and killing your opponent as quickly as possible. If you are in a situation where someone is trying to kill you, your family or your team members you must kill them first. Unfortunately, its as simple as that sometimes. Political correctness does not enter into it. We are talking about your life and death not banning super size sodas or gay marriage. For most people the thought of killing someone and the legal ramifications are a nightmare, but you’re better off dealing with the aftermath than being dead.
Security Systems For Businesses
Whatever the size of the business, whether it is small or large, retail or commercial, it is guaranteed to have a range of valuable assets like computer systems, data and other expensive items that are at risk of theft.
Mobile Security
The majority of attacks on mobile devices focused on human exploitation, as found in the Proofpoint Human Factor Report.
Working with Entertainers: Communicating with the House
When working with entertainers you are in full tour mode, arriving at locations in the wee hours of the morning ready to hit the ground running but not knowing exactly what to expect. Effective communication with the venue security will help you enormously.
Vehicle Security Tips: How to Stay Off the ‘X’
Providing protective services requires a mind set that differs dramatically from the norm. This line of work demands a forward-thinking anticipation of what might occur and developing solutions on how to mitigate those risks. How does this differ from the norm? Half of the people on this planet are categorized into below average intelligence. Humor […]