Starting out, I was one of the guys that didn’t take the job too serious. However, it was while working in the field, I felt my “calling,” and noticed that here was an opportunity for me to grow in the industry and use my position and access to branch out to create a bigger platform for myself. One thing I can say is as it relates to touring, when musical acts come to town, I see them face the same challenges time and again. As such, I thought it might be appropriate to share some insights that may make life a bit smoother for the next individual or team.
Kidnap and Ransom for the Protection Professional
This article is offered to enhance understanding of the first key stages of a kidnap and ransom negotiation and your role in the event the unthinkable happens.
Whether an Executive Protection officer or security advisor for a High Net Worth client and family you should prepare to deal with the early stages of a kidnapping.
It may happen when you are not even responsible for the client and least able to prevent it – when your client is alone and most vulnerable.
The Mentality of the Modern Protector
Over 30 years ago, when I left a failing white-Collar industry in a failing economy in Texas, I did what many in my predicament did. I entered the contract security industry at near minimum wage. What I did that many others did not, was survive in the industry long enough to out earn annually what I was earning in my previous profession.
Head on a Swivel
Catchphrases are good to identify an action; they’re not good in obtaining the Skill of that action. The foundation of the proverbial “head on a swivel” is Situational Awareness.
And just like Head on a swivel, “situational awareness” is a widely used phrase but not a widely understood Skill. It takes time for one to master and understand two phrases, and two actions
Manners Maketh Man
The proverb ‘manners maketh man’ derives from a shared understanding that courtesy and good manners are essential to the preservation of human interaction and relationships.
Good manners can be applied to several aspects of human life, including how we speak, the words we use, the tone of our voice, our gestures and our actions.
Keeping Your Edge – Develop A Niche
Celebrity protection is in some ways a unique market, however, in marketing, the more specific you can be, the more successful you will be in finding customers. This means that it’s helpful, sometimes necessary, to research, develop, and define a niche, carving out a select piece of a bigger industry to specialize in.
The Conscientious Bodyguard
Given the nature of close protection and the conditions under which operators are expected to perform, it is imperative for those providing protective services to be highly developed, multi-disciplined individuals. However, beyond the obvious technical skills reqauired to execute well-drilled procedures, modern operators are expected to display more nuanced skills such as emotional intelligence, candour, judgement and resourcefulness to list but a few. So, how can understanding our personality type help us become better in our roles as close protection operatives? To answer this, we need to have a basic understanding of the factors influencing the various personality traits.
Keeping Your Edge – Don’t Get Comfortable
That is the brass ring in our business, AKA the sacred cow, however, on the road to eating Filet Mignon, there are bound to be several Big Mac’s along the route.
So, as we proceed on this journey to success, we have to make sure we navigate the potholes, namely, doing the job as required without becoming too comfortable in our role, leading to potentially disastrous results.
I am a late developer
I left school at the age of sixteen with just three, very poor, O levels. Following that I floundered around doing various blue collar jobs: I’ve been a postman, a railway guard and a warehouseman, just to name three of the 20-odd occupations I have had.
I went to college and became a qualified secretary at the age of 30(ish) and after a prosperous career as a sports journalist, I went to University to get a degree in psychology at the ripe old age of 50.
Starting Out
After a hard training session, I was having a well earned pint of Guinness with my Jujitsu Instructor. It was over this pint that I learned that his day job was teaching unarmed combat and restraint techniques throughout the UK. “You jammy bugger!” I thought. This was the seed, the niggling idea at the back of my mind, and that was 13 year
Key Points to Being a Good Bodyguard
For long-term assignments, it is very important to build up a rapport with your client / VIP and anyone else associated with the operation. Effective and good communications will not only assist you with having an easier and less stressful assignment but also keeps you up-to-date on the client’s day to day activities
CPOs are thinkers, planners, and problems solvers and are generally expected to pull rabbits from hats at short notice and we regularly do. We are employed to ensure not only the safety and security of the client but also their health and well being.
Does Fitness Matter Anymore?
Are we as protectors, just giving lip service to the physical nature of the craft? Yes, this is a thinking man’s game and the best muscle to work out is the mind, however, are we really preparing for that “Moment of Truth,” the one we hope never happens on our watch, but that we nonetheless have to plan for?
Surviving university as a mature student
Going to (or going back to) university seems to be becoming increasingly popular and I have lost count of the number of conversations I’ve had about the pros and cons of such a venture.
One of the major concerns / barriers to people embarking on a university course seems to be an anxiety about being a mature student. Whilst perhaps understandable, I hope in this article to reassure you that your experience of university can be just as valuable and exciting as a mature student as someone going straight from school.
Suited for Duty
When it comes to a wardrobe fit for duty rule number one, you don’t buy it, you acquire it over time. In most cases, unless you have unlimited resources this will be a slow build for most agents. To help you in developing a detail ready wardrobe I offer the below considerations for both fit and function.
The art of being an independent learner
So, what is independent learning? The Higher Education Academy 1 describe independent learning as “a process, a method and a philosophy of education in which a student acquires knowledge by his or her own efforts”.
Guide to Contracting & Subcontracting Security Services
A Guide to Contracting & Subcontracting Security Services. Market yourself appropriately and professionally, create a large network, do a good job whenever you are given the opportunity and follow up.
Vehicle Dynamics Institute COURSE REVIEW
Experience first hand the training offered in a variety of subjects: Protective/Evasive Driving, Surveillance Detection Tactics & Techniques, and Best Practices for the Solo Practitioner. I chose to attend their Protective/Evasive Driving course. Vehicle Dynamics Institute COURSE REVIEW
How to survive a course you hate
This article is give you some tips for how to survive this course (basically, attend, do any associated coursework, and get your tick in the box without hurling yourself off a cliff). Sounds impossible? Probably, but I’m going to try anyway.
Work by Day, Study by Night
It is not often that you can say that you have your cake and are eating it too, but part-time postgraduate study alongside working in the industry can actually be one of those times. The prospect of leading a dual life – employee one day and student the next – may not seem overly exciting […]