As Executive Protection professionals we are constantly caught between a rock and a hard place. We do our best to provide our clients with the best possible protection while dealing with resistance and objections from the boardroom, PAs or the client themselves. Now if there was an international guideline for a travel risk management standard that addressed everything from hotels to air travel and ground transportation, it would require compliance from organizations and simplify our task significantly. The good news is, there now is and it is planned for launch in the summer of 2021.
Keeping Your Edge – Measured Responses in Tour Security – Part 3
In the previous instalments of this ongoing series, we discussed the challenges faced by Protectors who work with entertainers that spend at least some portions of their career involved in stage performances.
Working with Entertainers: Communicating with the House
When working with entertainers you are in full tour mode, arriving at locations in the wee hours of the morning ready to hit the ground running but not knowing exactly what to expect. Effective communication with the venue security will help you enormously.
Show Time
While no security measures are 100%, these are good guiding principles to minimize the potential for an unwelcome encounter with your celebrity principal during their show.
The Relationship Between Protector and Venue Security
We need to understand several things in order to make the relationship between protector and venue security a success. We need to know who we are connecting with, what their mindset is and what their purpose is. We need to know how to connect with them, how we can get them to do what it is that we desire and how to get them on the same page, OUR page.
Managing the Green Room
Managing the Green Room means creating an environment where the principals are able to prepare, relax, and focus on providing whatever entertainment has brought them to that specific venue.
What is Tour Security?
Tour Security is often thought of as a rather niche and unique area of security protection. Using the format of a question and answer session, Miguel DeCoste will venture to answer ‘what is tour security’ and how does it differ from other forms of security provision.