As a Protection Specialist, are you training to develop your skills or are you lying to yourself and your clients about your readiness? Poor security and protection fools no one but the person providing it. Commit to training and making an investment in your future.
Why you are not getting hired? A recruiter’s perspective
This article will address the most common mistakes made by Protection professionals while searching and applying for jobs. I will not pull any punches here so if you don’t do well with constructive criticism or feel the need to argue with the scores of people I contacted to write this article, read something else. On […]
Understanding the Importance of On-going Medical Training
It can be difficult to maintain medical training with the pressures of schedules, but whether it’s online or hands on, the importance of on-going medical training should not be forgotten or underestimated.
Be courteous and professional when answering questions
However, when you think about it, what I’m really talking about is communicating knowledge and that is vital in close protection. Security means that ensuring people understand what you mean quickly and effectively is essential, and one way to help develop communication skills is by learning how to present effectively. This article aims to provide […]
Have You Got A Career Plan?
Goals are the broad intentions that define what you want. Objectives are the specific tasks that define the steps needed to achieve your goals. Goals and objectives are like a roadmap. Together they clearly define where you are going to end up, and how you are going to get there. You should use objectives as steps to attain your goals.
Be the Change You Want to See
Now is the perfect opportunity to train in different disciplines so that you are the complete package. Don’t wait until you’re unemployed to act. The time is NOW! Seize the opportunity and ‘be the change you want to see.’
Myth Busting Education
The longer I work in the education sector, the more weird fallacies I hear. As I teach forensic psychology and criminology, it is perhaps not surprising that I shatter the illusions of students about crime and policing on a regular basis (e.g. “murder is not common”, “there isn’t usable forensic evidence at all […]
Top 10 client relationship-building tips
Top 10 client relationship-building tips Clients are the lifeline of the Protective Services Industry. Without them, there is no work. How you relate to them and how they feel about you and the services you provide will determine how much and how often the work will continue. Your relationship will determine if a client […]
The “Can I Get Some Work?” Approach to Employment
I’m sure everyone has heard the expression, “you never get a second chance to make a first impression.” So, knowing this, why would someone reach out cold to a prominent industry insider with the line “Can I get some work?”
INVEST SOME TIME IN YOURSELF AND MAKE IT HAPPEN How many people reading this article can honestly say that they put the amount of effort into finding employment that is required to find work in the security industry or to progress their career. The answer is very few, if you sit in front of the […]
How to Become More Employable
How to become more employable by specialising in pre hospital care Many close protection operators (CPO’s) are now identifying the value of becoming specialised in other aspects that surround the role. One of these specialist areas is Pre Hospital Care (PHC), and with this in mind I would like to share my thoughts and […]
Workplace Diversity
Workplace Diversity – Embracing our Differences Everybody’s journey in working life is varied and we each develop a unique skill set. The challenge is to apply these skills to our workplace or role in the most effective way. Often people think that their skill set limits their potential at work but I would argue […]
Search Tactics for Out of Work Security Professionals
Searching for employment in the security industry is not to be taken lightly and it should all be planned like a military operation. You need to start as you mean to go. When searching you should act the same way as you would when you are on an operational assignment. These search tactics for out of work security professionals will offer guidance and help you find success in your search for employment.
Transferable skills – the key to success
Transferable skills – the key to success Professionals are more aware than ever of the importance of having a good knowledge and understanding of their field and the security sector is no exception. However, it is easy to overlook the importance of also developing a versatile, transferable skill set alongside expertise in a chosen discipline. […]
The Importance of Assessment
The Importance of Assessment We may not know it but assessment is part of our everyday lives and we constantly make assessment decisions and judgements based upon the information we receive from our interactions with others and our surroundings. For example, when we cross the road we will assess the best place to cross, […]
Working Girl: Female Bodyguards
I’ve been traveling around the UK on a CP job for the past few months but was also lucky enough to be part of the security for the royal wedding, it’s not often I say I was glad I did a job but it was nice to see lots of flag-waving royalists out on the […]
Training, Why Is It So Important?
Training is so important for many obvious reasons such as new skill development and progression within an industry or sector but there are less apparent benefits too, such as demonstrating an individuals value, boosting morale and getting more buy-in to the company mission.