Although prevention is the primary goal, there are times where proactive, effective physical intervention may be required. This is not to be confused with arrest and control techniques used in other related security fields. Those techniques have merit, but the goal of this article is to highlight combat principles agents can apply when cover and evacuation is not an option, and the threat is imminent.
Executive Protection in the Middle East
Good EP professionals understand the importance of thorough preparation and research before even accepting a task. This is arguably even more relevant when it comes to working in the Middle East where culture is king, and misunderstandings have the potential to ruin operations and future business partnerships. To add a layer of nuance and complexity, each Middle Eastern city – be it Dubai, Cairo, or Riyadh – calls for a slightly different approach, making things that much more interesting.
Longevity in Executive Protection
As a newcomer to the industry, I had huge eyes when it came to EP. Everything was exciting and new. Nothing seemed to matter but trying to get seen by agency owners and progressing along—all in the hopes of one day being among the best in the business.
I wanted to challenge myself. I wanted to protect people that had important or extraordinary lives while being recognized as a professional. So off I went like a herd of turtles (things are slow at first). I had no clue what I wanted to obtain but knew that it was going to be what I made of it. All I needed was an opportunity.
Why Consider A Career in Executive Protection?
It requires a lot of training and specialized skills. It can be a thankless job when things go well and a firestorm when there is a breach in the protection. And if nothing dangerous is afoot, it can get somewhat boring. It’s physically taxing and mentally grueling. So why do it? Once you get past your misconceptions about the industry and learn what you are really getting into, you’ll find that it is a great career full of incentives.
COVID-19 and the Executive Protection
As practitioners, our responsibilities are many: protection of the client from physical harm, protection of the client from self-embarrassment, etc. Now, that the restrictions in the post COVID-19 era are starting to be lifted in some areas, Clients, and other high-net-worth individuals will be more aware of the area in which they are located, lodging, and traveling to.
Fire Safety in Executive Protection
When discussing executive protection topics with somebody not working in this field of expertise, the threats to the principal are often expected to come from rare incidents such as stalkers, snipers, explosions and so on. As professionals we know that the most significant and likely threats come from car accidents and health issues, then, next in line are serious fire emergencies. Don’t just take my word for it, a quick look at the statistics show just how frequent and deadly fires are in US.
Lessons Learned on Executive Protection Communication.
One important thing to realize is that the principal is the key figure in shaping the culture. Not all principals are the same. I have experience of principals that don’t want to see or hear the protectors.
Executive Protection 2.1
William Shakespeare said, “Defer no time, Delays have dangerous ends”. What we do now in these trying times, we will either profit from or suffer from. Why is it that some survive these times in our industry, and some do not? What steps can be taken to avoid a crisis in your employment status?
What is Executive Protection?
In the past, I viewed Executive Protection (EP) as persons who provided corporate level protection. This was the guy who only walked with the CEO, politician, or other important corporate executives and dignitaries. With my limited understanding, I didn’t think of those who drive these same individuals as being considered Executive Protection agents as well. As an EP specialist, I now understand and have experienced some of the vast role’s EP work will encompass.
Executive Protection Realities of the Industry and the Ugly Truth
Many newcomers in the protection business have a completely different idea of what the profession is, based on what they have heard or what Hollywood tells them it is. This lack of “truth” either leaves them disappointed or leaves them vulnerable to making mistakes while on duty.
It is common in our industry to see many of our colleagues posting pictures on the internet social media sites of “selfies” taken in first-class airline seats or the client’s private jet. More selfies show them with their feet up on a suitcase claiming ‘’another flight”, or posting from 5 and 6-star hotel rooms, or fine-dining restaurants, or next to a limousine parked in front of a private jet.
Executive Protection Fail – Jeff Bezos
The tabloid said it had evidence that Bezos has been “whisking his mistress off to exotic destinations on his $65 million private jet.
“Jeff Bezos is the founder of the online retailer Amazon and one of the richest people in the world. He has just made public that he will be getting divorced from his wife of 25 years after an extra marital affair was made public, that’s his personal business… The divorce could cost him 50% of his wealth including his stocks in Amazon, which could lead to control issues for the company and shareholders, this is company business… Again, someone’s personal life has gotten them and their company into big trouble!
Executive Protection Travel Pack
As is common with us all, we love our gear and we can’t get enough. A common discussion in our Facebook group, The Protective Security Group, is travel gear and equipment.
While not meant to be a comprehensive or ‘cookie-cutter’ list, below I share a typical packing of my ‘go-bag’ which I hope you all find useful; at least as a good baseline to add/subtract from for your travel needs.
Executive Protection in Russia
Risk and Retaliation at the World Cup and Beyond. On 3/26/2018, the United States joined 20 nations including the UK, Canada, and Italy in what is said to be the largest coordinated expulsion of Russian intelligence officers in history.
Over 100 Russian diplomats were told to leave their foreign postings in response to the poisoning of a former Russian spy living in the UK. Russia promised to retaliate against this “provocative gesture”.
Celebrity Protection Vs. Executive Protection
A stable career in Corporate Executive Protection, more often than not with standard hours, reasonable expectations and a healthy benefits package, or the wild and unpredictable world of Celebrity Protection with its Long hours, temperamental clients, and a job description that includes pretty much everything but the kitchen sink.
One Agents Opinion, Bodyguard Or Executive Protection Specialist?
When someone asks, “what do you do for a living”? Do you say, I’m a “Bodyguard” or you’re an Executive Protection Specialist? What’s in a name?
McDonaldization of Close Personal Protection
The process of McDonaldization takes a task and breaks it down into smaller tasks. This is repeated until all tasks have been broken down to the smallest possible level. The resulting tasks are then rationalized to find the single most efficient method for completing each task. All other methods are then deemed inefficient and discarded.
Value Driven Integration – Women in Protection
If you are a woman in the industry and you aren’t struggling, you have a duty to mentor others. However, I do understand that sometimes it’s difficult simply because you’re not quite sure how you got there yourself! The increased participation of women in protection started a while back but has gained more momentum recently; keep it going! We’re all on the same team.
Kidnap and Ransom for the Protection Professional
This article is offered to enhance understanding of the first key stages of a kidnap and ransom negotiation and your role in the event the unthinkable happens.
Whether an Executive Protection officer or security advisor for a High Net Worth client and family you should prepare to deal with the early stages of a kidnapping.
It may happen when you are not even responsible for the client and least able to prevent it – when your client is alone and most vulnerable.
Women In The Close Protection Industry
First, I prefer placing female CPO’s with female clients or their children for the client’s comfort or peace of mind. Some males are easily suited to this task but the client may simply think that a male does not belong in constant close proximity and occasionally in isolated private settings with the kids or a client’s wife. This can be equally true with female CPO’s and male clients but the concern of inappropriate behavior with the children dissolves when a female is placed with them. Remember, it’s always up to the client.
The Science Behind Protection On The Move
Any delay in the decision-making process increases the difficulty needed to survive an AOP (Attack On the Principal). In a vehicle, delays are measured in tenths of seconds. When you are driving 60 mph, literally in a blink of an eye, you are 17.6 feet closer to the problem and in a second 88 feet closer to the problem. Tony Scotti delivers the science behind protection on the move and how we can dramatically increase the chances of surviving the emergency.