Elijah Shaw Elijah Shaw is one of the USA’s top bodyguards. He has protected most of the biggest names in Hollywood. As CEO of Icon Services Corporation, a U.S. based security agency which provides Executive Protection services, Elijah Shaw is one of the more recognizable “bodyguard to the stars”. Elijah is President of the […]
Interview With: Elijah Shaw
Interview With: Elijah Shaw Elijah Shaw is one of the USA’s top bodyguards. He has protected most of the biggest names in Hollywood. As CEO of Icon Services Corporation, a U.S. based security agency which provides Executive Protection services, Elijah Shaw is one of the more recognizable “bodyguard to the stars”. […]
Keeping Your Edge – Protectors & The Recording Process
An excerpt from the best-selling book, An Introduction to Celebrity Protection & Touring by Elijah Shaw & Dale June. To get the full book, order at Amazon, Barnes & Nobles or Ebooks.com. Limited Signed Editions available at www.ArmsLengthAway.com
Almost without question, if you are a musician, the recording process is the part you love. This is where they get to be creative; it’s where they take an abstract concept and make it a sonic work of art, one that hopefully will generate revenue. While it can be hard work for the artists, for most it’s a labor of love. They have the ability to get paid and earn a living for doing what they enjoy most.
Celebrity Protection and Touring – Book Review
An Introduction to Celebrity Protection and Touring is a book by Elijah Shaw and Dale June and is reviewed here by Miguel DeCoste
Celebrity Protection and Touring
An Introduction to Celebrity Protection and Touring, is a new book by Circuit Editor, Elijah Shaw and regular contributor, Dale June. The book offers a peek behind the scenes of the close protection industry, more commonly known as the bodyguard business.
Issue 38
In this issue, we bring you, Insider Threat – did you know that the majority of security threats come from internal sources? In Covert Protective Details we’re considering the benefits of operating under the radar, and Tony Scotti explains The Science Behind Protection, On The Move. Also in Issue 38, we’re debunking the myth of age restriction in I am a Late Developer, Elijah Shaw warns us, Don’t Get Comfortable, we learn How to Spot a Vehicle-Borne IED, and we hear from newly published author, Garry Curtis, in The Silent Sniper. Also, in this issue, Orlando Wilson concludes his feature on Countering the Threat of Snipers, and we have the fourth instalment in our Church Security feature.
Issue 35
In this issue we’re leading with a great article from Orlando Wilson who offers advice on how to stay ahead of the threat by thinking like a criminal. In ‘Trouble Ahead’ Joel Whittaker reports from the front line on the desperate situation in Mosul. From his in-depth analysis of recent attacks, Mark ‘six’ James delivers a fantastic article on how to stay safe when confronted with an active shooter situation at an airport. Elsewhere, we consider the Task, Threat & Environment mindset, Elijah Shaw shares a unique moment from a glittering career and finally, we look at the increasing need for church security. All this plus our regular features make for a packed and informative issue of your favourite magazine for security professionals.
Issue 35
In this issue we’re leading with a great article from Orlando Wilson who offers advice on how to stay ahead of the threat by thinking like a criminal. In ‘Trouble Ahead’ Joel Whittaker reports from the front line on the desperate situation in Mosul. From his in-depth analysis of recent attacks, Mark ‘six’ James delivers a fantastic article on how to stay safe when confronted with an active shooter situation at an airport. Elsewhere, we consider the Task, Threat & Environment mindset, Elijah Shaw shares a unique moment from a glittering career and finally, we look at the increasing need for church security. All this plus our regular features make for a packed and informative issue of your favourite magazine for security professionals.
Issue 1
The very first issue of the Circuit Magazine features an Interview with Industry Icon and NABA President Elijah Shaw. In issue 1, we also take a look at Training an Untrained Negotiator and different Body Armour Options for Protection Specialists. Additionally, we bring you articles on; Dress and Behaviour, the Top Ten Tips for Finding Work, Somalia – Country Profile, My First Protection Job and much more!
Knowing When to Quit
With time no longer on his side he begins to bounce from one team to another, often going from being the star to the second unit, maybe begins playing a different position, begins making errors on routine plays, getting fewer at bats, doesn’t carry the ball as often, not called upon when the score is tight. Many former stars “hang around one season too long.” Everyone but the athlete sees what he doesn’t, namely that it’s time to retire!
Keeping Your Edge – Challenges of International VIP
It is a very natural phenomenon to go abroad making the same assumptions about how people act, and things work that you would find in your domestic environment. But these assumptions can get both you and your client into trouble. Each part of the world presents its own unique set of challenges, and a protector who travels internationally will do well to always keep this fact in the forefront of their mind.
Keeping Your Edge: Raising Your Profile
This is not so much by the overt actions we take in close proximity to the Protectee, but by the intentional maneuvering of chess pieces behind the scenes, in the form of risk analysis, advance-work and logistics. With the exception of very high profile, or high threat assignments, our default state could be described in many cases as, invisible. This mindset has successfully shepherded many throughout the profession, being passed on from generation to generation to the benifit of the craft.
Keeping Your Edge: Listen in Totality
Someone said this quote to me a long time ago and it really resonated. It was one of those things where the more I thought about what it actually meant, the more insight I gained from just those few short words. The quote itself originated from the American poet, Maya Angeolu. And while it’s very unlikely social media was on her mind, or even a thing, when she drafted it, I think it’s very fitting on how it plays into society today.
The Great Divide – Keeping Your Edge
In many cases this occurs with such frequency that it not only paints a part of the picture of the individual, it becomes the entire painting. In fairness or not, the act of retransmitting news media can be interpreted as an endorsement of the totality of the views. Adding an additional layer, readers/viewers are allowed to engage and interact with the news in ways that far surpass the past. Gone are the days where you could agree or disagree with a newsperson and have to mail a letter into the editor in the hopes that it would be read, and in extremely small cases, reprinted.
Keeping Your Edge: Building a Solid Foundation
Longevity, consistency and remaining relevant are some primary goals of all protectors. These factors are important when establishing a new contract and providing services for a new client. But what is equally important is the mindset that goes into those first days and weeks on the assignment. As such, I wanted to get the personal perspective of Vantrell Wilson, a close protection agent who I have trained with and worked alongside of for years now.
Careering-Ending Accident Turns Tragedy into Triumph
Sometimes you have a plan, and then the universe has something different in mind. After almost seventeen years in the private security industry, a little over 3 years ago I decided to start my own security company UPPER ECHELON SERVICES. I was making great progress building the company. Then in June of 2017, I was involved in a motorcycle accident that would change my life forever. I ended up suffering from an irreparable compound break on my right foot and ultimately blowing my heel to dust.
No Cutting: Get To The Back Of The Line
Having traveled to over 30 countries, building executive protection and estate teams, embarking on 10 major worldwide tours and transitioning from field agent to Director of Security. Despite my successes, I’ve still felt like a student at best, but now finally considering myself a Specialist. Naively, many young protectors are eager to consider themselves “specialists” without undergoing the proper mentorship and gaining the practical experience needed to hold this title.
Keeping Your Edge: What’s the End Game?
I’m sipping a Pina Colada (virgin) and staring at the ocean with the waves cresting about 10 feet from my cabana. I don’t write that to brag, but instead give a peek into an environment that’s a little different for me as I jump into the backstory.
Keeping Your Edge: The Right Tool For the Job
Spend any length of time conducing protection work in the entertainment industry, and you’ll find that things work in cycles.
There are recording cycles, tour cycles, award show cycles and even sporting event cycles. A big portion of these trend annually, and are grouped with similar events, creating momentum, but being careful to avoid overshadowing or encroaching on another event’s moment.