Next time you go to the range, step up to your shooting lane, look down the range then take a moment to look at the ceiling slightly in front of the shooting bench to a considerable distance down range. You will undoubtedly notice countless rounds have inadvertently been fired into the ceiling. This is usually […]
The Terrorist Next Door
If ISIS is the new Public Enemy Number 1 then Al Qaeda would likely be 1A, but they don’t hold a monopoly on terror. Whether the act is a beheading, lynching or being drunk behind a pickup truck, the results are equally as brutal, senseless and catastrophic to the victim’s families or targeted groups. […]
Do you know what you are?
Do you know what you are? An independent contractor, part-time employee, sole proprietorship, etc. Do you know what your insurance requirements are?
Man, That Burns!
A brief look at MACE Pepper Gel for Protection Specialists. Pepper Gel is a great option for confrontations that may not warrant a lethal force response.
One Agents Opinion, Bodyguard Or Executive Protection Specialist?
When someone asks, “what do you do for a living”? Do you say, I’m a “Bodyguard” or you’re an Executive Protection Specialist? What’s in a name?
The Placement Of Residential Security Systems
Placing up security cameras can be a legal battlefield if you’re proven to be violating the law. Here are the things you need to know legally when considering the placement of residential security systems around a property
Essay Writing
I’m not quite sure why “essays” are scarier than “assignments” or “assessments” but for some reason, the mere mention of this word leads to sweaty palms, tears in the eyes, and furious twitching.
Judgement Index
The Judgement Index is a value-based analysis of judgement capacity, behaviour and stability; it is very abstract in its methodology yet highly accurate.
How Criminals Operate
You need to be aware of how criminals and terrorists operate and what they look for in their victims; if you know this, you can hopefully avoid becoming a victim yourself.
EP For Green… When Will Our World’s Collide?
In 1920 the 18th amendment was passed marking the start of prohibition and the rise of protection teams. Will we see a repeat of that trend with protection for marijuana?
Advice and Treatment for PTSD
For people suffering psychological trauma, often the hardest part is overcoming the fear of accessing help. Even though it has been shown that there are effective treatments, even for PTSD, the ‘pink and fluffy counsellor’ or the drug-dispensing medical “shrink” stereotypes will prevent many people from ever getting advice and treatment for PTSD.
Protecting Workers and Expats Overseas
When you only have seconds to read a situation correctly and plan your course of action, the cost of getting it wrong could make all the difference to your survival. Are your travellers able to read a situation correctly and what can organisations do to train your travellers to make better decisions in a complex situation? The Duty of Care conference is designed to help you address these areas of concern.
Protecting War Correspondents
Protecting War Correspondents is a bit of a paradox. On the one hand, you’re there to protect them from harm, and on the other, you’re paid to guide them into the most dangerous places on earth – often single-handedly.
Vehicle Security Tips
When considering the threat to a principal, the most significant are likely to occur while in transit. Additionally, the majority of incidents on protected individuals occur in, or within close proximity to, their vehicle. Therefore, vehicle security is paramount and should be heavily reflected in your training hours, research and protective intelligence.
The Relationship Between Protector and Venue Security
We need to understand several things in order to make the relationship between protector and venue security a success. We need to know who we are connecting with, what their mindset is and what their purpose is. We need to know how to connect with them, how we can get them to do what it is that we desire and how to get them on the same page, OUR page.
Managing the Green Room
Managing the Green Room means creating an environment where the principals are able to prepare, relax, and focus on providing whatever entertainment has brought them to that specific venue.
What Doesn’t Kill You…
Post Traumatic Growth (PTG) describes the range of positive changes experienced by people as a result of their struggle with a severe life challenge or a traumatic event.
Understanding the Fan Dynamic
Fans are the lifeblood of the entertainment industry but how important are they? What drives a fan to be faithful to a certain artist, band, or group? How does the fan contribute to the overall successes of artists? And more importantly, how well do you as a protector understand the dynamics of a fan to keep your client safe?
What is Tour Security?
Tour Security is often thought of as a rather niche and unique area of security protection. Using the format of a question and answer session, Miguel DeCoste will venture to answer ‘what is tour security’ and how does it differ from other forms of security provision.
Workplace Violence
Workplace violence has quickly become a growing concern for employees across America with as many as two million workers report having experienced workplace violence each year according to BLS within their Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries. With statistics like that it’s pretty obvious there is a shortfall in the system. Specific workplace training is one way which we can begin to address the problem.