Organised physical exercise can be traced far back to ancient Greek times, where it was viewed that it should be both an integral part of an individual’s responsibility and civic duty to maintain health.
Getting the Right Nutrition on Long Shifts
If you’re a busy CPO, you might frequently find yourself on the task for long hours. And depending on the specifics of the job, your access to meals isn’t always optimal.
Whey protein can make you feel full for longer by regulating hunger and keeping your energy levels up. Leucine, one of the BCAAs in whey protein, will help stimulate energy production so you have adequate fuel to stay on your feet for prolonged periods if necessary.
10 Tips to a Healthier Life as a Protector
Recently, I was having a conversation with a fellow member of the clergy about his goal of becoming a Navy chaplain. To my shock and amazement, he told me that the Navy turned him down. When I asked ‘why,’ my friend admitted that it was because he had failed to meet the Navy’s physical fitness […]
The Practical Application of Military Physical Training
If you take the four areas that are part of the traditional military model: gymnastics/calisthenics (bodyweight exercise), outdoor obstacle courses (moving efficiently through a range of environments), combat sports (boxing, grappling etc), speed marching (bipedal locomotion); these intrinsically include the main focus physical qualities: mobility, strength, reaction speed, coordination, balance and cardiorespiratory function. If these areas are incorporated into a physical fitness programme, treated as a skill and kept in the majority at a low/medium intensity with bouts of high intensity, the result will be a well-rounded human capable of thriving in the diversities of the modern life.
Fit for Purpose – Motivation and Mindset
The struggle will be experienced by every single one of us, at differing intensities, durations and regularities; it is one of the only true guarantees in life.
Fit for Purpose
From a physical training perspective, the evolution of my own personal practice, my approach to nutrition and what I advise for the general population has dramatically changed over these years.
Does Fitness Matter Anymore?
Are we as protectors, just giving lip service to the physical nature of the craft? Yes, this is a thinking man’s game and the best muscle to work out is the mind, however, are we really preparing for that “Moment of Truth,” the one we hope never happens on our watch, but that we nonetheless have to plan for?
Muscle Recovery: Essential to Your Next Workout
To avoid rehab, athletes need to be thinking about pre-hab. Get ahead of an injury before it happens. Muscle recovery should be part of every training plan.
Hostile Environment Surveillance Process
Have you ever had the feeling that something was wrong before you’ve actually spotted a potential threat? It’s all down to your brain’s “hostile environment surveillance process” – made up of your inbuilt surveillance system that is constantly monitoring your environment in order to maintain your safety and wellbeing.
Mental Body Armour – Have you got your Kit on?
You wouldn’t dream of going on a job without appropriate physical protection and risk assessment – but how well do you protect yourself mentally?
Being mentally strong is the same as being physically strong – we have to work at it. We build physical strength in the gym and take pride in a healthy body. Some days you are on top form in the gym and others are harder. But would you recognise the equivalent happening in your brain?
TOOLS OF THINKING [Excerpts from an upcoming copyrighted book] Everyone Thinks! Or Thinks They can Think! But are they using all their tools? PROBABLY NOT!! Why Do We Think? To Gain Knowledge To Be Creative To Make Decisions To Understand Consequences of Decisions To Understand Others Security planning and execution requires a great […]
Review: Medipro PHMT
COURSE REVIEW: Medipro Training: PHMT (Pre-Hospital-Medical-technician) Having previously completed FPOS (I) MIRA and Remote Team Medic Courses I was looking for a training course which had both industry recognition and would take my knowledge and skills to the next level both academically and practically whilst also fitting into my rotation of 6 weeks on 6 […]
Workplace Diversity
Workplace Diversity – Embracing our Differences Everybody’s journey in working life is varied and we each develop a unique skill set. The challenge is to apply these skills to our workplace or role in the most effective way. Often people think that their skill set limits their potential at work but I would argue […]
Mike Gillette Interview – Speaker, Author, Inventor and Peak-Performance Coach
Mike Gillette’s bio describes him as a “Speaker, Author, Inventor and Peak-Performance Coach with a life story that reads like an action-adventure novel.” This includes being an Army Paratrooper, SWAT Commander, Government Counter-Terrorism Expert, Bodyguard to Fortune 500 Executives and a Record-Breaking Motivational Strongman. Find out more in our exclusive interview.
Kidnapping – a grim reality
Kidnapping – a grim reality Hostage survival training – is it needed by the CP operative? The very thought that an experienced security detail and their Principal could be taken hostage might seem remote to those who operate in this area. However the reality of this “it will never happen to me”, “I can’t […]
Pre-deployment Hostile Environment Training
The importance of conducting ‘quality’ pre-deployment hostile environment CP training The nature of the typical security contracts now being awarded to the many Private Security Companies (PSC’s) on the hostile environment circuit today, has seen a dramatic shift from well-funded government regeneration/infrastructure type contracts to those of a more commercial nature, such as the oil […]
The European Security Academy course
Course Review: The European Security Academy course Quite a lot can happen in two weeks but when I signed up at European Security Academy I was not prepared for how much those two weeks of initial CP training would teach me. As an information security professional I had no previous CP experience when I […]
Escaping the Kill Zone
Escaping the Kill Zone Everyone has their own strategy when it comes to vehicle gun fighting. Most of it is based on television and with no sense of reality. NEWS FLASH – it doesn’t work like on television. Most people have never fired into a vehicle or out of a vehicle that was […]
Catastrophic Haemorrhage
CATASTROPHIC HAEMORRHAGE During the Vietnam War, 50% of battlefield deaths were the result of major haemorrhage. Of these, 80% were torso injuries, which, in the pre-hospital environment, are classed as non-compressible injuries. For the immediate responder these wounds provide us with very little management options and the patient’s immediate need is for treatment by […]
Transferable skills – the key to success
Transferable skills – the key to success Professionals are more aware than ever of the importance of having a good knowledge and understanding of their field and the security sector is no exception. However, it is easy to overlook the importance of also developing a versatile, transferable skill set alongside expertise in a chosen discipline. […]